Aptly Named Cruise Ship “Breakaway” Stranded For Hours Trying To Get Into Port

When you name something “Breakaway” you’re basically imbuing it with a free spirit, one that can’t be subjected to the constraints others might want to place on it. So of course, Norwegian’s Breakaway cruise ship practically had an obligation to itself to stay stuck for hours in the Hudson River instead of docking like it was supposed to.

Passengers say things got a “little hostile” on Sunday morning while lined up to get off the ship in the waters outside New York City, reports CBS New York. The Breakway made it into port but wasn’t able to dock due to strong tides and a likely problem with its steering and propulsion system.

“It got a little hostile because people are coming the elevators and trying to cut the line,” one passengers said of the hundreds lined up to wait. “Meanwhile, it’s already 200 deep, so they had to get some security guards to close down the elevators and direct the people where they were going.”

After about three hours, a tugboat managed to haul the ship into the pier and it was finally able to dock, likely still resisting its inborn desire to break away.

One man waiting at the dock was extra anxious, as he heard his father had a heart attack aboard the ship. He was rushed to the hospital as soon as the ship arrived.

“It’s been nothing but problems,” the man’s son said.

Breakaway is paying for its little stunt as well — the crew was going to have a party on board to celebrate its one-year anniversary, but the party was canceled. That’ll teach you, Breakaway.


Norwegian Breakaway Cruise Ship Docks After Getting Stuck In Hudson River For Hours [CBS New York]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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