Watch Everyone Go Totally Freaking Nuts As Steve Jobs Demonstrates The Magic Of WiFi In 1999

Prepare yourself to feel old, jaded and immune to the everyday magical workings of technology, people. While these days we don’t bat an eye at carrying lightweight devices that let us basically do anything we want besides teleport, back in 1999 the world of technology was still new, exciting, and totally worth a standing ovation. To wit: Uproarious applause and a general cacophony of excitement when Steve Jobs showed off the iBook’s wireless powers back in 1999.

NAUSEA WARNING: The person who filmed the below video wasn’t too steady of hand, noting in the YouTube description, “my shaky Sony Hi8 HandyCam recording of the 1999 NYC MacWorld Public/ Keynote address” and as such, it feels a bit like watching Jobs present on a ship afloat on the roiling seas of appreciation.

It’s very simple — Jobs opens up the iBook’s web browser, goes on about dimming the lights, makes some noise about adjusting things and then BAM — he picks up the laptop and walks away without any cords attached… and the browser stays connected to the Internet!

The response is deafening — hooting, hollering, so much clapping and what looks like a standing ovation. These. People. Are. Pumped.

And Jobs knows it, grinning ear to ear while the applause crashes over him and everyone gathers for a group hug to celebrate the astounding innovations we have available in these modern times. That last part I made up, but I bet the audience would’ve gone for a big mass embrace at that point.

Behold. WiFi. And also a hula hoop gets involved (H/T to Slate for the video):

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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