This Is The Can Of Fried Onions For Today’s Creative Modern Woman

We aren’t sure who “the now chicks with more imagination than time” are, and we’re fairly certain that if they existed, “the now chicks” would not have ordered free fried onion cookbooks from coupon flyers. Not even in 1970 when this piece of copywriting horror was printed.

By the way, it looks like the smaller can of fried onions was 3.5 ounces at the time. Durkee no longer sells fried onions, but that product line is now part of French’s, which is owned by the same company. The smaller package of French’s fried onions has only 2.8 ounces of fried crunchy onion essence. We can add that to the Historical Grocery Shrink Ray files.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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